Injury Prevention in Sporting Activities

The alarm clock rings and you are ready to start your new training program. Everything is in order, you are motivated, you have a training regimen, and you even found a group of like-minded people just as eager as you. Most likely, the last concern on your mind is what steps should I take to keep myself injury free throughout the exercise program. Here are common exercise injuries and ways to prevent them:

Shin splints are one of the most common overuse injuries related to increasing exercise demand without giving the body time to adapt. Typically shin splints occur in runners, however this injury may be seen in other sports that have a high amount of pounding on a hard surface. This excessive pounding causes a breakdown of tissue between the tibia (shin) bone and its surrounding connective tissue. The pain will present between the knee and ankle located on shin bone.  Easing into a high volume exercise program along with making sure your feet are equipped with a supportive shoe are two key things to avoid shin splints.

Another common overuse injury is a stress fracture. This hairline fracture will present slowly and may not show on an x-ray up to two to three weeks. In the foot and ankle, one of the most common locations of a stress fracture is the neck of the second metatarsal. Again, the key to prevention is easing into the exercise program along with supportive shoes appropriate for the activity you are undertaking.

Muscle strains and tears are common injuries related to exercise and training.  The severity depends on the extent of the injury. There are partial tears all the way to complete ruptures of the muscle along with a simple strain, often referred to as a “pulled muscle”.  To avoid muscular injuries it is pivotal to warm-up and cool-down appropriately. In addition, stretching after a workout will aid in muscle recovery.

Spending the time to prevent injury will save you from pain and time treating it. A few more keys to remember:

-Select a program that is appropriate for your current physical status

-Initiate new programs and activities gradually

-Give you body time to recover

-Make sure your shoes fit and are appropriate for the activity

-Wear clean dry socks to prevent blisters

The take home message is this: Take the time to listen to your body.  Starting an exercise program is exciting, however, having to stop early due to a preventable injury is not. In the event that you develop foot, heel, ankle, or shin pain during a workout, please give us a call 721-4007-we can help you!

Mission Statement
We at Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic are dedicated to providing efficient, comprehensive care of foot and ankle conditions through sharing our expert knowledge with compassion and focus. We aim to serve and heal our patients completely and promptly, to help them conquer their pain and improve their quality of life.