Ankle Injuries: Fracture or Sprain?

Ankle Injuries: Fracture or Sprain?

Ankle injuries are quite common, but many times there is a question if the injury is just a sprain or a fracture. You may think I don’t want to go to the doctor if it is just a sprain, but I want to make sure it is not broken. Sometimes an ER visit may miss a fracture, or the injury may involve a tendon or tendons. The following information may help you differentiate between ankle sprains versus ankle fractures, what you can do to help ease the pain, and what may help the healing process.

An ankle sprain is a tear or a strain to the ligaments of the ankle joint. A ligament is a band of connective tissue that connects bone to bone. After a sprain, the joint may swell and bruise. Depending on the severity of the sprain, the ankle may swell only a little or a significant amount.

An ankle fracture is a break or crack in the bone of the lower leg or ankle joint. Like a sprain, the joint will swell and bruise. The joint will be immediately and severely painful and may look deformed. Tenderness to touch of the joint is often reported. The person may not be able to bear any weight on the affected leg as well.

So when should you see your doctor? An appointment is recommended if you have any of the following symptoms:

• If the ankle, leg, or foot looks deformed in anyway
• Severe pain or inability to move the ankle
• If the foot is pale or cool
• Inability to tolerate weight-bearing
• If the injury is not improving with time

At home treatments for ankle sprains start with rest. It is important to take time off of the ankle to allow for proper healing. Icing and compression to the injury will also decrease swelling. It is important not to apply the compression too tight, but enough to slow the swelling. Finally, elevating the extremity will help prevent pooling of fluid at the injury site.

Remember, if you suspect a fracture or just are not sure, it is important to see your doctor. Clinical expertise along with imaging techniques can be used to rule out a serious ankle injury. If you have an ankle injury that is just not healing or you are unsure of the diagnosis, please Contact Alpine Foot & Ankle Clinic in Missoula to see how we can help you!